Customer experiences

Bodymaja 5 tähteä

Satisfied customers and service development are important to us. More than 55,000 Bodymaja body composition measurements have already been taken, and the feedback always puts us in a good mood.

Here are some of our customers' experiences with our service:

I happened to walk past the Bodymaja point in Koskikeskus. I had been thinking for a long time and even looked for a body composition measurement, but the usual appointment seemed challenging in a busy schedule.

Bodymaja's service was unbelievably easy, nicely productized and especially guided by hand. The reporting was really comprehensive and each section was opened separately to facilitate interpretation. The self-service booth is perfect for measuring values ​​when it suits you! Absolutely great service, I can only recommend it. I immediately bought a 3x series card to follow the progress. I recommend!

- Ari

I liked that I could go for a measurement whenever it suited me. The measurement only took approx. 5 minutes (including taking off and putting on clothes). Really easy and effortless. The results were easy to read, and it was clearly explained what each thing meant. I plan to visit again in about half a year.

- Nilla

The measurement was easy to perform, the instructions were good, and the results were interesting. It's nice that you keep the results. At first I thought that it would have been nice to have the results also on paper,
but really the electronic form is definitely better if you have to choose. The price of a single measurement is perhaps a bit high, when for the same price I could get it from my own gym and the pt would also go over it with me. With the price of the Offerilla offer (€10), I would probably have bought at least 2-3 measurements right away, if it had been possible. But the whole year's measurements are attractive and I am seriously considering ordering one.

- Julia

The price was just right. The report was clear and easy to read. I try to have an inbody measurement once a year, and in the past I've only received one summary sheet where the measurement results are summarized. There is a lot of information here, but if you don't know how to read it, the interpretation is really difficult. You have clearly explained in the report what each means and what the reference values ​​are. The service is really easy and effortless to use. I will definitely come again. I definitely also recommend my friends to use your services.

- Heidi
Bodymaja Oy
Based on 166 reviews
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Peter Solifer
Peter Solifer
15:10 26 Sep 22
Mittauskoppi sijaitsee hyvällä paikalla Raision Myllyssä. Siinä pystyy hyvin odottelemaan jos edellinen asiakas on vielä mittauksessa. Mittaus koppi ja itse mittauskone on siisti. Kehonkoostumusmittaus ei kestä kuin muutaman minuutin. Itse mittaus on helppoa ja kaikki lukee näytöllä suomeksi. Mittauksen jälkeen tuloksen näkee Bodymajan "Oma Body" -sivulla jonne saa myös henkilökohtaisen linkin tekstiviestillä/sähköpostilla.
Sirkku Majamäki
Sirkku Majamäki
10:53 15 Sep 22
Maksamisesta testaukseen erittäin helppoa ja vaivatonta. Hinta varsin kohtuullinen. Testauskopin sijoitus Lahden Triossa hyvä, häiriötekijöitä ei ollut. Plussaa myös se ettei mitään aikoja tarvitse varata, kopille voi mennä silloin kun itse parhaaksi näkee. Yllätys oli miten paljon tietoa kehonkoostumuksestaan mittauksella saa. Suosittelen lämmöllä kaikille omasta kunnostaan ja hyvinvoinnistaan kiinnostuneille.
Jessica Dahlia
Jessica Dahlia
16:17 03 Aug 22
Olen erittäin tyytyväinen palvelun helppouteen ja vaivattomuuteen. Palvelu sopii kaikille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita omasta hyvinvoinnistaan. Palvelu sopii erinomaisesti myös vuorotöissä käyville, kuten myös ruuhkavuosissa elävillekin, sillä voi itse päättää milloin on sopiva hetki käydä mittauksessa.Hinta on mielestäni kohtuullinen, saat samaan hintaan tulokset hyvin tarkkaan selitettynä, että mitä mikäkin mittaustulos tarkoittaa ja saat mahdollisesti ehdotuksia kuinka voisit parantaa terveyttäsi parempaan suuntaan, mikäli siis sinulla olisi tuloksien mukaan kehitettävän varaa. Suosittelen tätä palvelua ystävilleni, koulukavereilleni ja lähimmäisilleni! Kiitos paljon!
Timo Calonius
Timo Calonius
06:58 02 Jun 22
Odottelu vapautuneen koppi ajan edessä voi hermostuttaa kärsimätöntä asiakasta, mutta odotus palkitsee ja antaa hyvän melko hyvin suuntaa antavan arvion missä kunnossa "body" on ja mitä pitäisi tehdä.Säännöllinen käynti kopissa määräajoin elämäntapa ja ruokatapa muutosten kautta on parempi kuin käydä aikaa vievissä ja kalliissa "lääkärin - ja laboratorio kokeissa."
Heikki Maukonen
Heikki Maukonen
06:27 02 Jun 22
Tämä palvelu on loistava 👌Hintaa pidän sopivana ja käyttö on todella helppoa. Ohjeet ovat selkeät, niiden avulla mittaus onnistuu helposti. Jyväskylässä sijainti on ihan ok, mutta markettien yhteydessä olisivat varmasti paremmin saavutettavissa. Mittauskoppi oli siisti ja miellyttävän oloinen.Parasta on tulosten saaminen pdf-tiedostona, josta selviää ymmärrettävästi oleelliset mittaustulokset.Kiitos hyvästä ideasta ja palvelusta, suosittelen muillekin.
See All Reviews

I found this to be an effortless way to get information. The feedback was also clear and easy
interpretable and the price is very reasonable. I could warmly recommend it to others.

- Kirsi

The suitable price was the biggest factor in choosing the service. Everything worked conveniently according to the instructions. The measuring point was clean and pleasant to deal with in all respects. The results were comprehensive and well explained. I recommend the service to those considering it.

- Tuomo

The price was good, which I'm used to before, good location, and instructions. All in all a good and easy experience. The analysis of the report was also interesting and comprehensive.

- Akseli

I think the price of body composition measurement is just right! I think the discount you get when buying more than one visit is excellent. The visit to the measurement also went very smoothly. The machine guided well and clearly, and I always knew what was going on, even though the situation was new and exciting. Your website is also absolutely brilliant and provides comprehensive information about, for example, measured values ​​and what they tell you about your body. I recommended you
to my many friends!

- Janika

The price was suitable and the "house" worked perfectly. The measurement itself was quick and good, which at least suits me well, going for a measurement every few months. The location of Mylly's measurement point is very good, because before I have had to drive to the other side of Turku to get measured. I definitely recommend to friends

- Rasmus

The price was right, and the measurement was done quickly and smoothly. The instructions were very clear and everything went flawlessly! Seeing the development of the body statistically is a really good boost to continue training!

- Niklas

I liked the ease of the service. I found Bodymaja well, the instructions were clear and the report came quickly. I plan to use the service again and will definitely recommend this to friends. I would also like Bodymaja in Kuopio! (Bodymaja answers: We are now also in Kuopio.)

- Minna

The price was affordable, the device was easy to use. The location next to the shopping center and the extensive opening hours are a plus. After the test, the summary came to my email quickly, a strong recommendation!

- Lotta

+ Hinta on erittäin hyvä.
+ Huippuhyvä inbody laite.
+ Palvelu on helppo ostaa. Selkeä ohjelma.
+ Joustava: ei tarvitse varailla aikoja yms.
+ Palvelua on helppo käyttää. Hyvät ja selkeät ohjeet omatoimiseen mittaukseen.
+ Tulokset selkeästi "omapalvelussa"
+ Omatoimisessa mittaamisessa on se hyvä puoli, että ei tarvitse jännittää mittaajaa.
- Ainoa miinus, jos väkisin negatiivista hakee on mittauspaikka joka on tilana hieman pieni. No toisaalta eipä siellä nyt hirveesti tarvitse liikkua.

- Vesa

A concept that works properly, at least for me, this almost 50-year-old man, who wants to find out what his body condition is at the moment, as discreetly as possible, i.e. without any fuss about obesity (when I know it myself) or something forced
gym membership marketing.
It's a shame that I "found" you only now with the help of Google, because my active life already started exactly 2 years ago, so if this had been possible before I started exercising, there would now be a basis for comparison of the changes that took place in the body with the help of exercise... Well, fortunately, my weight loss journey is still in progress, because only the first ten kilos have been removed from the -30kg goal.

- Jani

Really good! Easy to use, clear and interesting. It was nice in Bodymaja
calm atmosphere. The answers came right away on the phone and were very clear. I recommend!

- Mikaela

I think the price was very reasonable (measurement x 3), the instructions very clear and the measurement itself very easy and fast.
The results are really versatile and I'm really looking forward to the next measurement so I can see the difference to the first measurement! The only regret is that I didn't realize to do this right at the beginning of my weight loss project, then I would have gotten an even more comprehensive picture of the change. I would definitely recommend this to others too!

- Jenni

Tässä on kyllä hinta ja laatusuhde enemmän kuin kohdillaan. Toimintaohjeet olivat selkeät ja mittauksesta saatu raportti kattava. Aion ehdottomasti käydä uudestaan.

- Kati

My husband, who was very satisfied with Bodymaja's services, recommended the measurement to me. My own experience was only positive. Buying the measurement was effortless and the price was right.
The measurement went well and the instructions for the measurement point were clear. The device also guided the customer well. The measurement point was neat and easy to find. The results came quickly. The interpretation of the results was facilitated by the reference values ​​and comprehensive explanations of the values.
In connection with the results, there are also clear target values. It is then your responsibility to get better results in the next measurement 🙂

- Anna

In my opinion, Bodymaja's inBody service is affordable and user-friendly. No need to make an appointment. The measuring device is modern and of a new model, and the space is very clean. The report's explanations and data fields are very useful and in their completeness even better than, for example, the interpretation of a gym trainer. However, I would like to be able to create a pdf report that you could save on your computer or show/share with a coach or even a doctor (inBody 1 page report). I can recommend the service without reservation.

- Jukka

Considering the feedback received, the price of the testing is at least reasonable in my opinion. It was a surprise how much information you get from the testing. The measurement was very effortless and easy. The space was nicely dark and somehow calm, very clean. The placement of the testing booth in Trio in Lahti is also good, a little separated from the rest of the hustle and bustle. I recommend measuring
warmly to everyone who wants to monitor their body composition and is interested in their well-being and fitness. I'm going to take the measurement again in a few months.

- Sirkku

The place was clean, the instructions were clear and everything worked really well. In the end, of course, I stood on the device for a while, not realizing that the test was over. Next time I'm sure I'll understand. The results came quickly, and since I've taken measurements before, I also knew how to interpret them quite well. I can highly recommend the service. If I could wish, the service could be in e.g. Kamppi shopping center, Forum or Citycenter, even though Triplaka is not difficult to reach.

- Anu

The measuring event itself was easy - the device instructed the user clearly. The results were explained in an understandable and comprehensive manner. It was interesting and motivating to compare the results with the last test taken in 2009. I think the price of the body analysis is reasonable and the results seem reliable and quite real when you look at yourself in the mirror. The service I have received by email has been fast and very friendly. I will continue to use your service and will gladly tell others about this opportunity!

- Valo

I had been interested in getting an InBody measurement for a long time. Many times I was already booking time for this. When I discovered BodyMaja, I was immediately sold. Great service, and open all the time the shopping center is open. How easy, flexible and affordable!
The measurement itself was easy with the help of clear instructions. With the BodyMaja program on the phone, I can easily examine and interpret the results. Very interesting to read and think about what could be done to improve the results if necessary. Then go back to measuring. I personally intend to at least continue to use the service. I recommend!

- Heidi

I was excited about this easy and hassle-free, value-for-money measurement option. Just the right service for me, in just the right location.

- Venla

In my opinion, a very easy and accessible concept. It was easy to go to Inbody at a time that suited your schedule and with a low threshold.
I think the price was very appropriate and I will definitely buy the package again.
I have already recommended it to several of my friends who were immediately interested in buying the test.
The results were written very clearly in the vernacular and were easy to interpret.

- Riia

At the end of 2021, I made the decision to lose weight, but I wanted to try to do it without significantly losing muscle mass. I got to know the options to monitor the progress of the process, based on which I found Bodymaja's website in January 2022. Bodymaja offers exactly what I need, i.e. an easy measurement that fits my schedule, where I only paid for the service I needed (the use of a high-quality measuring device intended for professional use) and not for the working time of any PT or other person, who would go over a report you are already familiar with with me. Bodymaja's strengths are the great freedom to take a measurement at a time that suits you and at a place that suits you. The price is also cheaper than in services where you pay the meter in addition to the measuring device. To support my own project, I took the 12-month Unlimited service package, with which the price of one measurement remains really affordable when I go for a measurement once a month.

- Juho

I think the price was appropriate and it's nice that there are also affordable "packages". Taking the test was easy and I got the results as promised right away. The test booth was really cool. I was wondering if the door has to be locked from the inside somehow. It's nice that there were disinfectant wipes. All in all, a good and easy service and I immediately forwarded the recommendations on my own IG to my close circle.

- Hanna

I think the price is right and the measuring point is in a good place (shopping mall in Kaare). Results immediately on the mobile phone and clear. Likewise, the measurement itself is clearly instructed and easy to perform. I recommend investing a few tens a year in three measurements if you are interested in your body composition.

- Jani

The measurement went very smoothly and there were enough instructions - both in the form of an email message before the visit and in the measurement room itself. The results were clear and easy to understand (i.e. well explained, all the terms were not familiar to me beforehand). The results were also wider than I expected - the estimated calorie consumption in different sports was a nice surprise! I would definitely use again.

- Krista

For the first time, I went to Bodymaja's inbody measurement. Great system, you can go according to your own schedule without making an appointment. Comprehensive results and explanations conveniently read immediately after the measurement. I bought the package three times so that I can follow the development of my condition, in terms of price-quality ratio I think it was the best option. I recommend!

- Emilia

The price was affordable and I got a comprehensive report on my own body. It was surprisingly detailed.
Testing was very effortless and simple.
I will probably retest in about 3-6 months. I hope it's nice to see the results of the gym training you've started.

- Paula

Everything worked perfectly well;
I got help quickly in a problem situation when I had put the wrong phone number in my information.
The device was easy to use independently and the location of Bodymaja in a shopping center without having to make an appointment in advance made it easier to get measured when it suits you best.

- Tepa

The price was suitable and the measurement was effortless. I would definitely recommend this to others.

- Harri

The price is suitable, the device is clear and easy to use.
The results are clear. I myself plan to visit again in 3 months when the food overhaul and weight loss are underway.
I warmly recommend.

- Taru

The measurement was an interesting and positive experience. I got good information and motivation to improve my results. The price was good and the measurement easy and quick.

- Jetta

I've used inbody before, so the interpretation of the results is somewhat familiar, but even if you haven't, you can get a good picture of them. And I also like that the results remain comparable. I will definitely use again and recommend to others.

- Jari

The price is ok, I immediately took the annual package when there is a long-term project going on. Practical measurement is easy and clear, and the voice guidance is understandable. This kind of private measurement lowers the threshold when you are not in top shape, and the only development target is not the increase of muscles but also the reduction of fat tissue. Post-injury rehabilitation and recovery of muscle symmetry can also be well monitored, because in everyday life it is not so easy to notice that the other leg is still weaker.

For me, at least, a really convenient and encouraging way to monitor change in the longer term!

- Eleonoora

The price was reasonable and the measurement was easy and quick. The results were comprehensive and it was well explained what each result means. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.

- Jannika

I am a long-time user of inbody measurement. In the past, measuring has been quite expensive and this has only been done a few times a year. With Bodymaja, measuring is cheaper and easier, as you don't have to reserve time for anything in advance. Nowadays, body composition measurements should be taken more often, which makes it easier to follow changes in body structure. This makes it especially easier to adjust the diet and monitor changes in gym programs. Bodymaja's own body report is much clearer than inbody's original report. It would be nice if the measurement points opened already at 06, and not until 07, when it would be nice to go to the measurement before the working day if you want.

- Ville

Easy and uncomplicated service. Interesting information and a great portal.

- Amanda

I thought the price was appropriate. Getting the results was very interesting: The report was of high quality externally (language, appearance) and the customization of the content worked well. Based on my experience, I already recommended the measurement to my colleagues.

- Juho